Glasgow Hydro - Oct 14th 2024
Despite around seven decades of concert going I had never seen Alice Cooper so I figured that I should grab the chance of attending. So having been offered a spare ticket off we went to Glasgow. My mate had secured tickets on the first level right in the middle so absolutely perfect view and hopefully good sound

First support was the full of energy, angry, duo from Essex called The Meffs. Goodness it was like stepping back in time to the coming of the “Punk” movement. All crashing, feedback drenched guitar overlaid over the pounding drums. To be honest I have absolutely no idea what the songs were about but I sure did enjoy their efforts. It was fun from beginning to end.
The stage was very quickly cleared for support number 2, Primal Scream. As a band they have a very fine catalogue and I was looking forward to hearing them. The band had their own sound desk and their own engineer. Alas for virtually the whole of their time on stage the quality of the sound was not at all great. Vocals of Bobby Gillespie and the three backing singers were almost completely in audible subsumed in the mess of the drums and bass. No matter how hard Bobby tried they failed to energise the audience. A great chance lost.
More than a little apprehensive we awaited the arrival of Alice. Was it worth the slight wait? Hell yes! He and his band were absolutely on peak performance mode. The band had three guitarist, bass and drums. This was pure entertainment from beginning to end. No fillers at all with the set containing everything you hoped for and indeed expected. The staging was fairly straightforward leaving room of course for various theatrical elements. So yes there was a snake, various “deaths” and guillotine all delivered with panache and tongues very much embedded in the cheeks.
Alice looked like he was having a blast performing for an enthusiastic Glasgow audience. I loved it from start to finish. So glad I got to see Alice still at the peak of his creative and performing abilities.
Graeme Scott