Moon dog is an enchanting and magical tale about a girl Molly and her wish to have a puppy of her own. She befriends Moon dog when he comes down from another world to visit Earth.
The 50 minute show is aimed at children aged 3-6 and is a lovely addition to the Theatre Christmas Schedule. It combines puppetry, laughter, fun and a beautiful haunting score. The show was created by Francis Gallop, who has worked for some of Scotland’s major production companies. It is fresh, original it’s setting in the Studio at Carnegie gives it a even more magical and intimate feel. There are soft cushions on the floor for you little ones to get up close and become involved in this tale. All the children were enthralled and they loved joining in.
Molly has gone to stay with relatives after the birth of her new sister and is lonely with no one to play with on the island. She loves looking at the stars and watches them every night. One evening a bright star comes closer until it settles in the garden. When she goes to investigate, Molly finds a little dog and immediately calls him Moon Dog. She hides moon dog in her bedroom and it is the start of a lovely relationship together and they soon become best friends. The story is all about friendship and relationships and seeing earth through someone else’s eyes. Moon dog misses his family and eventually returns to the Moon, while Molly is reunited with her parents and little sister. A definite must see show for younger children and their families.
Carnegie Hall Dunfermline till December 24th